
Showing posts from June, 2020

Every Life Matters- 2020, A Year Of Gloom and Doom

My heart is weighing down with one atrocity after the other. The year started with the Australian bush fires and now we’re at George Floyd’s death, a life that didn’t deserve to be taken on the basis of his color. This monstrous story has lit fires to outrage globally. Social media is overflowing with #blacklivesmatter. What is behind the curtains? A genuine concern for change? Or just FOMO of not being a part of the ongoing conversations worldwide?  How Informed Are We? Did we speak out for the loss of lives in West Bengal’s worst cyclone in decades? Did we indict the discrimination against migrants walking thousands of miles across India? Most of us have also probably missed the headline of a Dalit man killed for eating in front of upper-caste men.  It Is Only Fair to Engage in Action After Discussion? Surmising that the users of the hashtag are indeed prowling for justice, here is my view of what we should be doing instead of Blackout Tuesday on the internet. We sho

Why Self-Isolation is Necessary even Post Corona Lockdown

The History of Corona Virus: The COVID-19, Novel Coronavirus originated in December 2019 in the Hubei province of China, due to a mutation from the original coronavirus, which is found in the gut of bats. After this the deadly virus took only three months to attain its position as the worst pandemics in the history of mankind. Corona, a Recurrence of Spanish Flu? The COVID-19 is often being compared by the masses to perhaps its 100-year-old foster cousin,” The Spanish-Flu of 1918”. Though a completely different virus from the COVID-19, the latter has been successful in creating panic and anxiety among the masses with almost equal tenacity, not to mention its fangs having engulfed 16000 lives globally. Where Italy failed: Italy ranked the second-best in healthcare worldwide has already lost more than 6500 of its’ citizens into the dark reels of the virus. The virus in this perspective has proved to be completely unbiased and has not differentiated amongst the de